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Kamis, 27 Januari 2011


A. Communication with Active Listening

The success of an organization or company is determined by its leaders. Central circle of leadership is communication. Communication is something for others to understand us. "Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our time to communicate, "said Stephen R. Covey. Covey. Subordinates in solving problems, we tend to rush in, to improve things with good advice, but we often fail, especially the failure to take the time to diagnose problems, to really advance in depth understanding of the issue. We usually try to first understand. Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, but they were heard to answer. They prepare to speak, filtering everything through their own paradigm, and reading their autobiography into other people's lives. To try to understand first, we need a paradigm shift that is not easy.

We have been taught since childhood to speak, write and read, but we are not taught how to hear the good. Heard there are several levels, ranging from not not trying to hear, pretending to listen, to hear only part that we like it, listen with full attention and active listening. Active listening is a central point of communication. Active listening is more effectively used if the other person has a problem, ranging from the problems experienced by children, teenagers, parents until problems in the company. The purpose of active listening is to help the other person go from a problem that looks to the underlying problem or problems that in fact, prevent you from giving solving problems, helping the other person solve problems independently, and stimulate a warmer relationship. Active listening is
hearing with the responding words, intentions, and feelings of the listener. By responding to words, intentions, and feelings of the speaker, then the other person will feel happy because feelings can be removed piecemeal. As a result, he could be more friendly and more profound compassion arises. The other person you begin to listen to you and be more responsible. Also you do not have to be a ' super person '.

B. Learning from Failure

Failure is a label that often we connect with an act that did not work. When applied, these labels make us say as a person who can not afford, so that it can reduce our passion to become successful. At the moment we are still small, the failure has no meaning because we do not have the concept of 'failure'. If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, write, and walk. Due to speak, write, and walk, we have to go through countless failures. Likewise in world leadership, we should be able to learn from the failures we experience.

Honda have got to get out of school in 1922. He was only educated for eight years. 15-year-old child from a small town feel proud of the repair 10 cars at the time crowded. He was appointed as an assistant mechanic, but his work is sometimes just as 'baby-sister' daughter of the workshop. Honda dream to become an expert car mechanic and he never got the chance. He is frustrated, then packed up his bag and quit his job and left the big city. Six months later, when the garage needs it, he was called to help fix the car. Finally, he obtained a chance to achieve his dream.

Like other countries, Japan was hit by a large depression in the 1930s. In 1938, when it started to open the workshop and developed the concept of ring-shaped piston. Soichiro Honda was a student, he plans to offer the idea to Toyota, he worked day and night, often sleeping in the garage. He always believes that he can refine the design and produce a useful product. To start a business, he used the capital in the form of jewelry from his wife. When the draft was made samples and offered to Toyota, the piston does not meet the standards. The technicians laugh at design. Despite the failure, he remains firm in her mind, and learn from failures. After two more years to survive and to redesign, he won a contract from Toyota. He build the factories to meet demand for Toyota, but the factory was bombed twice during the war, so that it becomes a mess. He remains determined to realize his dream to set up a factory, but once again, the factory was destroyed by a devastating earthquake.

After the war, fuel shortages that force people to use bicycles. Honda makes small engines that can be mounted on a bicycle, but he had trouble getting material, so it can not meet demand. Honda writing letters to 18,000 owners of a bicycle shop, but he only received a little money. However, with the money pickup, he makes small engines for bicycles. In the first model, the results are too takes place in order to work properly. Therefore, he continued to develop and adapt to eventually generate the appropriate machine. 'The Super Cub' into reality and achieve success. After the success in Japan, Honda began exporting to Europe and America.

In the 1970's scarcity of fuel, then the American people are switching from big vehicles to smaller vehicles. Honda to quickly capture this trend. Now, Honda Corporation has a staff of more than 100,000 people in the United States and Japan, in charge of 43 companies in 28 countries which is one of the largest car company in the world and became the company ranked 26 of the most amazing world in 2003. "What people see in me only 1% success, but what they do not see 99%, that is my failures," said Soichiro Honda.


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Quote of the Day

if we plant the rice then it is definitely going to grow grass
but if we do not expect to plant grass to grow rice

if we do that then the world will follow hereafter
but if we do that the world then the afterlife will not participate
